21+2 and kicks have stopped in the last two days



I only started feeling kicks about two weeks ago. Baby girl was kicking constantly over the weekend but for the last two days I haven’t felt anything at all. Should I be worried?

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Posted at
No it’s still too early to worry about kick counts. I tortured myself last pregnancy with this, it’s okay if you don’t feel them, they are probably just somewhere else where you can’t feel it as much.


Meghan • Dec 29, 2021
Thank you!


Posted at
Its still a biy early yet love. I'm 22 weeks today and some days I get movement some days I don't. I think its from 27 weeks they should be a regular pattern of movements xx


Posted at
I was having the same issue- I’m 21 weeks- where I felt lots of movement for a little over a week and then nothing much for a day or two. My doctor said if you feel at least one movement a day that early on, that’s good but that it will definitely be inconsistent before 28 weeks.