23w5d ... &bedrest


I started having contractions at 23w2d... I was admitted and received magnesium and fluids along with the steroid shots for baby girls lungs. I was released last night and now am home with bed and pelvic rest. I'm hurting so bad and was told the reason I hurt so bad is bc her head is already right against my cervix. I'm not dilated any, so that's a plus. But when I contract and... was told I would 10/10 be one of the women that do u til I birth this child she will continually push down and I'll feel everything. I don't want to be the whiney pregnant woman but everything hurts!! My last two pregnancies I was early. So I am high risk due to that and this is my first pregnancy in 8 years. My 1st I was fine, and she was born 38 weeks. My second daughter was early with a traumatic entry due to septic illness from me at 32 weeks. My third a son was born at 21 weeks and only lived for 41 min. I was so happy when I made it past 21 weeks. I thought I could breathe. Turns out it hurts to breathe and I'm scared. Other mamas... can you help calm my nerves? Who's been on bedrest and thi gs turn out differently than expected. I also am taking baby aspirin and Makenna shots!