Team green πŸ’š Baby girl! πŸ’–


Born December 26 at 12:53 pm; I was 39 weeks and 4 days. On the 25th I got very bad food poisoning so went to the hospital and was put on the drip for 6 hours, felt a million times better and went home. That night I woke up a few times to some contractions that felt stronger than normal, but tolerable. At 7:30 am the contractions were closer together, but not painful. I went to the bathroom and lost my mucus plug and bloody show. From there I just knew my baby was coming, so I started tracking my contractions and they became more painful and came every 4-5 minutes. Told my husband and we had my in-laws pick up my son. Now my stupid ass couldn't leave until I cleaned the house and took a shower πŸ˜… Contactions were getting much stronger and at about every 3-4 minutes. Right after my shower we booked it and headed to the hospital and got there about 1130-1145 am. Doctor came and checked me and told me that I should have my baby by the evening, maybe sooner and told me don't push until she gets back. Headed to my room while they preped the delivery room. About 20 minutes later they brought me to the delivery room, got on the table and had a 2 contractions, the third one my body was pushing all on it's own! I told the nurses I can't stop pushing, they broke my water quickly and one more push and baby was out! It was so quick! Then the doctor showed up right after. I felt bad because she said no pushing until she got there πŸ˜…

This whole journey started one afternoon in April, my son was napping, I was trying to clean the kitchen and my husband was bugging me for some sexy kitchen afternoon delight πŸ˜… because of that my baby girl is here!

Little miss Taija πŸ’– 3.5 kg

Taija and papa ❀