Quitting work


I currently work as a prep cook. I went to culinary school and have a degree in culinary arts. Work is causing me so much anxiety I’ve hyperventilated a few times at work because I was getting behind. The job isn’t what I expected it to be. My coworkers speak another language and only speak English when talking directly to me. I was trained wrong and no one will correct me including the head chefs until it was months later and was accused of not following the recipes but I was following them by the book. (The recipe book hasn’t been updated) It’s really easy to get behind on orders at work and I’ve brought it up saying how it gives me anxiety but co workers are just like oh well don’t worry it happens. The work environment is just very stressful. I’m vomiting every morning over the stress of going to work and being behind so I’ve been calling out for a few days. All I want to do is turn in my uniforms and not look back. Found a job that’s 8 min away instead of the 50 min and I’m just waiting to hear back any day now from this new place. The job I applied for will still be with the kitchen but I will able to interact with the guests as well as being in the kitchen. It’s an independent senior living facility and I feel like it will suit me better. I’m also stressing over that I’ll be disappointing my parents. They know I’m looking for a job closer to home but don’t know how stressful the job has been because they were so excited for me so I didn’t want to ruin that happiness. I’ve never quit a job over it being bad before. A couple of my friends have said to go back for a couple of weeks to give my two week notice but I feel like i simply cannot due to how stressful the job is. Now I’m just feeling extremely stressed about letting my boss know I’m not coming in any more short notice but I just can’t handle the work environment.