Losing weight while exclusively breast-feeding


OK so long rant here this is my second time exclusively breast-feeding, my baby is now five months old and is starting baby food , I kept about 10% of pregnancy weight I did lose about 20 pounds immediately after delivering but my body also harbors fat in order for me to breast-feed now that my baby is five months old I am starting to cut my calorie intake so my supply has dropped I eat oatmeal and also drink a body armor a.k.a. hydration drink. The drink alone I highly recommend also I feed on demand and continued to breast-feed even though my boobs felt so deflated but I could still feel my body producing so I just continue to push through not giving up good thing that my daughter is eating baby food twice a day so that has helped tremendously in keeping her full and also we are starting with vegetables and that has helped her digestive system because when she was just on my breastmilk she was a bit constipated and gassy which doesn’t come as a surprise because I am not diagnosed but I feel like I am lactose so whenever I consume cheese it messes with my tummy and I noticed she is also that way but the reason for my post is just because I feel like i’ve gotten over that hump in my milk supply I have been breast-feeding on demand still and my milk supply has definitely improved I even leak so I guess that would be a good indicator cause before there was no fullness now I am so I just want to say when you feel like your body isn’t producing keep latching that baby on, let her use you as a pacifier encourage her to keep latching she might get frustrated but just keep doing those techniques and your body is going to respond also I do eat Protein oatmeal once a day and the body armor is a hydration drink it has tons of vitamins in it I highly recommend that because every time I drink that within an hour my milk supply starts to produce I feel like my body just had to adjust from the cutting calories that I have been doing so I’m trying to breast-feed at least until 10 months but also for my mental health, really want to start cutting my calorie intake and trying to do a little bit of workout videos so I’ll report back to you guys about my supply because I was already 30 pounds overweight pre-pregnancy so I already have weight issues that I needed to address also just my self-esteem has taken a hit I tend to gain weight in my upper stomach area and I also have a fupa so it’s just it’s not pretty to see when I look at myself in the mirror it’s not pretty and I really want to do something about it but I also want to keep breast-feeding you know with all this pandemic going around the best thing I could do for my daughter is to continue to breast-feed so I really want to just keep doing that but I also want to focus on my fitness so I’m just gonna try to balance it out I’m really not gonna try to supplement I do not want my daughter to be on formula that’s just me though but if anybody else has some suggestions as to trying to do both at the same time and tips I would love to hear about it I already know that you know trying to lose weight while breast-feeding is not recommended but I’m just gonna try to do it so please no judgment on me I’m just trying to see if we can have best of both worlds , see if I can manage it ☺️