Well, I'm out

This month was TTC #5 post surgery on my tubes, etc that were completely blocked by endometriosis....I remember feeling so, deeply hopeful right after surgery that the fiancé + I would have no problem conceiving and yet here we are, month #5 come and gone. A friend just announced her + her hubby are going to start trying for baby #3. Another friend, waiting till she's done her program and then her + hubby are trying. It breaks something inside to know that the both of them will most likely fall pregnant + possibly give birth before the fiancé & I are able to get pregnant....that is, if we do at all. Every period gets harder to cope and bounce back. I've completely lost hope that it is going to happen. My heart hurts so deeply and I just don't know how to heal the hurt anymore. Sorry for the negativity but I rarely hear of a happy ending for someone with endometriosis, aside from adoption. I've NEVER heard a success story for someone with the same story as mine: both fallopian tubes blocked with endo, appendix removed as it was fused to right ovary, and multiple chocolate cysts on both ovaries....every cycle is making me bitter and sadder inside and I don't know how to dig myself out of this pit of hopelessness and bitterness