Unsure which direction to go in. Need to hash this out.


So. Here’s the situation. I am a mom of four. A 14 year old, twin 10 year olds, and an 18month old.

I’ve been searching for a job because we are drowning in bills. I got hired as a data entry specialist at a startup Holistics company that assists people in getting their medical marijuana license, and then sets up an appointment with our doctors to get a prescription. I fully believe in holistic care, and love the company’s motto and work beliefs. It’s remote-but the company’s atmosphere is very laid back-I can work whatever hours I want, and the world is fairly simple. This means I would probably be able to keep my 18month old at home. The pay would not be much, however, so I would definitely not be able to send her to daycare, and would have to work either while the toddler is napping, after she goes to bed, or try and juggle working while she’s awake.

Here’s where the monkey wrench gets thrown in: after I accepted this job, I got a call back from a job that I was SUPER interested in with The American College of Radiology. They research and develop radiologic technology. Advances in X-rays, ultrasounds, MRIs, etc-start there. How amazing is that?!?! I’d be in their Member Services department-helping the Chapters with accreditation work, etc. Such a cool position. The potential for growing my career with this organization is great. The pay and benefits are amazing, and, according to Glassdoor the company culture is very family friendly, but still professional. All of the people I have talked to have been there for at least 5 years. It’s remote, for now, until the case numbers go back down-but I imagine with the work load I would need to get daycare of some sort, at least part time.

I may be worried for nothing. I had the second interview, and got advanced to a THIRD interview with the Sr. Director which is on Monday. I know that there was only me and one other person doing the second interview, so I don’t know if they’re doing this last interview as well, or if it’s just me?

But should I be offered that position, I truly feel like I’m choosing between two lives here. I feel like for my career, the American College job would be incredible. But do I want to give up my super flexible schedule?


Anyway. If you made it this far, thanks for listening. 😂