Anyone with similar experiences?


Feeling a bit disheartened today, AF is due but hasn’t rocked on up yet. It felt more like it was coming last week. I had some light spotting & cramping last Thursday which lasted a day. I did a FRER this morning (below) which is negative. My periods have been 25 days for the last 3 cycles, they used to be like clock work every 28 days but seem to be getting slightly shorter. Last month was extremely light and now it’s making me question whether the spotting I had last week was actually my period 🤷‍♀️ however that would have been day 22 and only it’s was very light pink which has stopped by the same evening. Has that happened with anyone else? I haven’t been <a href="">tracking ovulation</a>, I did with my previous pregnancy and got a solid smiley on the clear blues on day 16 (however my daughter is now 5!) so it was some time ago, but I’ve been assuming it’s been around the same day. Can ovulation vary? Thinking I should start tracking again. Is there anyone in a similar boat?