Confused. Pregnant or not ?


So in the very early morning of sunday i got really sick and i was extremely nauseous that i couldn't sleep. Later i threw up and felt a bit better but i had alot of cramping/feelings of stiffness and twitching in my stomach(very low).

The Sunday morning i took two pregnancy strip tests and both were positive. I then went with my husband(we are really excited to become parents) to buy a digital clearblue test. I tested in the afternoon and it said not pregnant.

This morning i decided to test again but the test looks faulty to me. Can anyone please tell me if this morning's test is faulty and that there is still a chance that i might be pregnant. My period is still a week away. This waiting game is the worst.

The bottom picture is yesterday morning. The top picture is today(maybe faulty, it has a blotch of dye at the second line)?