Big BABY 😳

renesmee • Mommy of 3 girls 🌸 1 boy coming soon 👣

Obgyn follow up along with ultrasound today and never did they tell me my baby already weighs 2lbs 2 oz and their afraid I may have another big baby 🥵rip my coosh. Lol, my first was 8lbs 3 oz, second was 7lbs (she was a month early) so I'm trying to guess how big she'll be! I am getting my glucose🤮 test in a few weeks which she really wants the results back.

It's about to be crunch time! It's starting to feel all real. After my next app in 3 weeks, I have appointments every 2 weeks 😳 💖💖💖

Happy belly's everyone 💜💜