Who else has a huge baby?!

My son is 24 inches long and 10 pounds. (9.8 when born) He’s only 3 weeks old. I’m an only child, and literally never held more than one newborn before having a baby so I thought this was super common. But he’s in the 99th percentile for his size apparently, so “common” is super subjective. Some of my friend’s 3 months old babies aren’t even this big.

I have to give away all of our newborn diapers as gifts to pregnant friends because since day one he was too big for them.

When we took him to his first pediatrician visit, I was nursing him under a cover. My husband pulled baby out from the cover and the doctor actually clasped his face and said “he’s HUGE!” Yes, thank you I’m aware 😂😂❤️

Anyone else give birth to a big ol baby?