When is it our turn? 😔



To all the women hoping and praying for a baby this year, I feel you and I see you! March will mark our one year anniversary of trying without success… it doesn’t hurt any less each month. To all the women who are secretly hurting, I understand and I stand with you! I know it’s hard when friends, coworkers, and family members get that BFP that you’ve been so desperately hoping for. I’m sure we were all wishing for that Christmas miracle thinking that it would finally be our turn to see that positive test, to imagine what our perfect little one would look like, to feel him/her flutter around within our bellies, to post a cute pregnancy announcement, to display that ultrasound pic on the fridge! We hold our breath as we are waiting for that second pink line to pop up — just to be let down again when we are greeted with a stark white test. 💔

To all the women who are dealing with insensitive comments and inquiries about when you are going to start TTC and why you haven’t had a child yet, I feel for you! People dont realize how rude and triggering these comments can be.

I know it will happen for us eventually, but the longer it takes- the farther away and less achievable it all seems. I hope that everyone here is blessed with a BFP in 2022.

Sorry for the long rant my friends. I’m feeling extra sensitive about things today. I want this baby so much & frankly I’m tired of trying. Trying is exhausting … and I swear if I hear one more person who says, “Have fun with it. Don’t make it a chore.” Or “Just don’t think about it.” —- I’m going to have a meltdown. I’m trying my hardest not to make it a chore. But after almost a year of trying, when my husband and I work opposite schedules so we have to make it happen by him waking up early or me staying up super late and being exhausted at work the next day, it becomes difficult for it not to feel like a chore. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I’m wishing the best for every single woman out there on this TTC journey. TTC is hard and having been through this, we are warriors. Good luck ladies 🍀

***EDIT- I reposted this because since someone posted a pregnancy test pic (not allowed in this group) they moved this post to the pregnancy test checker group 🤦🏻‍♀️ that’s not where I wanted it. I want it in a place that it will help people going through the same thing. Like the General TTC group. ***

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Posted at
Hello ladies, I want to leave you with encouragement. I know daily it seems hard, exhausting, and you keep trying and trying and trying and then the let down when you see the 1 line and not two. Or the No and not the yes. Well, I know what it feels like and I understand what you ladies are going through, but do not GIVE UP HOPE, we don’t fully understand why these things happen, or why our bodies have to go through hurts like a miscarriage, or the fear and emotions of not conceiving. But I am here to tell you DO NOT GIVE UP HOPE ON TRYING. Also, don’t be so concerned about your age, 33 is young still and you have time even if you don’t think you do. I am turning 37 this year and still waiting for my rainbow baby. DO NOT GIVE UP ON HOPE. I will pray for you ladies and let’s stand together during this time. Encourage one another and through the tears, and sadness, let’s find the Joy in celebrating others. Have a Great week Ladies.


D • Jan 12, 2022
That was so sweet! Thank you for this :-). What a kind thing to say ❤️


Posted at
This is me. March will be our 1 year ttc too. And there is nothing fun about trying. I can’t even tell my husband when I’m ovulating anymore because he gets too in his head and can’t perform. The romance is totally Gone and we almost never want to have sex because we want to anymore. It’s totally become a chore and not enjoyable at all. And every month I see people getting pregnant, 2 friends this month got pregnant their first month trying. It’s just a sad reminder. Me and my friend planned to get pregnantTogether to be on maternity leave together. Now she has a 2 month old and I’m still trying. I don’t know how much longer I can do this. It doesn’t help that I’m 33 and running out of time and it’s only going to get harder to get pregnant. Ugh.


D • Jan 12, 2022
Oh girl I feel you! We are “ twinsies.” I’m 33 too and the constant let down is just terrible. Makes me feel like my eggs are depleting by the day. 😭 I agree with your post on so many levels! The “fun” in trying left a long time ago. My husband made a comment the other day about, “ we need to have this baby!” And trying to kinda lighten the mood I said, “I know! But at least it’s fun to try.” (Even though it’s not! But hey, I’m trying here) and he replied with, “it’s not that I dont enjoy it, but I wouldn’t call it fun. I’d rather not wake up early and have sex on our own time.” And he’s right. I feel the same way. My friend and I both tried to get pregnant at the same time too. She’s due in March and I am still sitting here with stark white negatives. Another friend of mine has a 4 month old, her and I tried to time our babies together too. It’s hard. I’m happy for my friends, they deserve this, but it doesn’t mean I’m not still sad for me. I wish and pray you get your little one. I know exactly how you’re feeling. ❤️


Posted at
Thank you for this. I know this doesn’t necessarily help those who have been trying for a year to see this, but for those who have been trying a lot longer, not giving up is so important. 4 years of TTC and nothing but one miscarriage. I remember that one year mark going WTF. Each passing year is hard but staying strong and focusing on building that strong relationship with your partner is important so that one day baby will see that their parents made it through to the other side and it was worth it. I wish everyone could have that first try feeling, I am always happy for those who have done it, I hope no one who has been trying a year will need to write a post about 4 years TTC. But if you do or are in the same boat, know that it can be sad and infuriating and okay and you can still laugh and find joy elsewhere all at the same time.


D • Jan 14, 2022
Thank you for your kind and encouraging words 💕


Posted at
I’m so sorry. This was me last year. By God’s grace I’m almost 9 weeks. I know it sounds cliche but it happened when I stopped stressing. I conceived a few weeks before my wedding day and I couldn’t be happier. For context, my husband and I tried for 11 months straight, we became pregnant month 12. Wishing you the very best.


Stacey • Jan 13, 2022
Thanks dear. This will be your year 🙏🏾


D • Jan 13, 2022
Thanks for sharing ❤️


D • Jan 13, 2022
Oh yay! Congrats to you!!! This is awesome news 🎉🤗


Posted at
Omg yes Everytime we’re around someone with a baby girl everyone’s like “you need a baby girl, when are you gonna have another one” (we have two boys) little do they know we’ve been trying for the past 6 months 😒


De • Jan 13, 2022
Oh my gosh yes people don’t ever think about any of that! I know they never mean harm but it’s like Everytime I see them like give it a break sheesh!


D • Jan 13, 2022
So insensitive!! I know people aren’t trying to be rude, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt!! I wish everyone was more aware about the struggles couples face with fertility. This reminds me of my mom- she can just bat an eye and she’s pregnant. She made some comment the other day to a friend of mine asking her when she was going to have another baby. My friend (who has had multiple miscarriages and has been trying for like 5 years or more ) said “ God only blessed me with one.” And my mom says, “ well God only blessed me with three, but if I could go back in time, I wish I would of had more children.” 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I know she didn’t know but damn mom! She knows about MY struggles with fertility and that should be enough for her to know never ever to approach someone like that. Good luck mama! I hope you positive is right around the corner. I know those comments hurt but try not to let them get you down. I’ve expedited some of those myself so I know how it feels sending love and baby dust!! 💫❤️


Posted at
Love this 💕


D • Jan 13, 2022
Thank you & baby dust to you 💫💫💫 I hope we all get our miracles soon ❤️


Posted at
Thanks so much for sharing this. It’s so hard to deal with, especially if friends and family don’t know. Sending baby dust!


D • Jan 12, 2022
Of course! I am a sending baby dust to you too my friend. ⭐️ 💫 🌟 I hope it happens! The hidden difficulties of ttc are unbelievable. I cannot believe all the years I spent on birth control and was terrified somehow it would fail 🤦🏻‍♀️… it’s a hard journey and I wish more women opened up about that part. Thank you so much for your response. It makes me feel like I’m not alone.


Posted at
Man the heartbreak is real. We struggled with infertility for over 5 years. I just got my BFP on January 8th and I was in complete shock. I had lost hope. And of course I've tested every day just to make sure they're getting darker because I worry too much. Don't give up y'all!! I know how hard it is. Praying for you guys. First test on Saturday the 8th.Today's test 💜 I think I'll stop now lol.