Now that I’m not in as much pain


As most of you know and have seen my posts, I’ve been struggling with prodromal labor since 35 weeks pregnant. I’ve been in and out of the hospital getting contractions stopped. Around 37&3 I think is when I barely dilated and wouldn’t progress. I waited until 38 weeks and started doing the exercises that I posted about. I did the exercise twice and went into labor like 4 hours after I did the second one. I got to the hospital, I haven’t dilated anymore yet but I was contracting so close that it was a concern due to previous c-section. Dr came in and said he would be doing my c-section because this is happening to much and my contractions will not stop. I labored the whole day due to two other sections ahead of me. January 11th, baby was born at 11:16pm. He weighed 5lbs 8oz, and 19 inches long. My section did take longer due to being fixed completely. The recovery is sucking because where I had a previous section, so more scar tissue and I got fixed so another surgery all in one. All I’ve been doing is crying I can barely do anything, up until now I’m just to the point I can sit up and sometimes make it on my own to the bathroom. But it was so worth it 💙