3% Morphology Success


Just wanted to post our success story. I started seeing an infertility specialist and after all my tests came back good, they decided to do a semen analysis on hubs. Everything was in normal range except morphology

I remember her telling me we had a 4% success rate of getting pregnant so 2 failed <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>‘s later I was pretty hopeless. Decided to take a month off of trying. The next month is when I got pregnant naturally!

I now have a healthy one year old &… just got another BFP last weekend!! I’m shocked still lol

The first time I had my husband taking Vitamin C twice a day around 6,000 mg, CoQ10, and FertilAid from Amazon!!! Eating 90% healthy and occasionally a soda. This time nothing at all. It is possible still!