Switching things up while TTC. (Lengthy read)

I've been using Glow for a while now. I'm sure there are some others on here that have become familiar with my story already. I've been TTC for 7 years. I've been to doctors and my outcome is unexplained infertility. I've tried almost everything to conceive... Sex everyday, sex every other day, pre-natal vitamins, fertility diets, geritol, fertility blend supplements from GNC, cm tracking, BBT tracking, different positions, legs in the air, laying still for 15 mins after intercourse, preseed for close to a year, even had a friend do a fertility spell on me just to give that a shot too... I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting to mention but, you get the picture. I'm now trying a new approach (one I never dreamed that I would). For the past 3 days, since getting off my cycle, I've been giving myself fertility massages, doing fertility yoga, and practicing fertility meditation. I know they all say "just relax", "stop trying and it will happen ", blah blah blah. During all the years of TTC, that's been an impossible task. I couldn't just give up and stop trying for the things I want most in my life (I'm a Capricorn. It's impossible for me to give up. LOl). So, I'm using the meditation and all to "relax" and I must say, I'm definitely seeing a major difference! My husband and I are both giving each other massages while listening to different nature sound tracks before intercourse to make sure we're both relaxed and increasing healthy blood flow throughout our bodies. I've been sleeping like a baby and waking up feeling absolutely amazing. I'm hoping that this new mindset will increase our chances of conceiving. For those of you who, like me, are curious of the outcomes of different tactics to faster conception.. I do give updates on my posts. So, anyone that wants to follow this need only comment and I will post my results whether they be negative or positive , any hiccups along the way, and answer any questions that are asked.