35 weeks and Miserable


OK so I’m gonna try to make this short and before you guys say Call your midwife I have… I have intense itching and no I don’t have cholestasis… They can’t figure out what’s making me itch so bad it’s been most of my pregnancy now it’s to the point I can’t sleep I can’t even get comfortable at night so I’m hardly sleeping and then I’m in so much pain in general that I can hardly eat and when I do eat I start throwing up quickly I have tried all the nausea meds none of them work for me…

Anybody have any advice to make me more comfortable for these last four weeks! For itching sleeping and nausea… They already have me on trazodone and gabapentin for sleep and that’s not even working anymore I have tried Unisom and melatonin that’s not working I have tried Reglan promethazine Zofran and two others to help with nausea and none of those work the itching I have tried calamine lotion Benadryl the lotion called Cervil I’ve tried a hot showers cold showers cold compresses moisturizers and nothing is working for anything