My chunky boy is here ❤️


My sweet baby boy was born 1/8/22 at 2:07 pm. Started labor at 8:30 am. Had my water broken. Decided I wanted to do natural. Made it to 7cm and said nevermind 😂 They came in to do the epidural and it took forever for it to finally work. Made it to 10 cm before my son finally moved and it hit me like a wave. 🙌🏻 A few mins later we try a practice push and his head is halfway out lol they quickly called the doctor and 30 seconds of pushing later my son was born. 8 lbs 14 oz and 20.5 inches long. 2 lbs heavier than my first son 😅 Tore pretty bad so I was glad I had the epidural for that part! Also had a very large blood clot in my uterus so I was manually scraped out, happened my first birth but that was unmedicated so I felt it! This time was a breeze!

Unsurprisingly, he immediately latched on and ate lol. He is such a calm and easy to please baby and big brother loves him so much. We are so blessed with our Logan. ❤️