I cum when I masturbate but not when I and my boyfriend have sex


So I’ve been with my boyfriend for six months and I make him cum all the time sometimes thrice or more

But since we’ve been together he has made me cum just twice😅 and he had to work really hard for it.

The thing is whenever I maturate I cum/orgasm and i don’t masturbate as long as the duration in which I have sex.

I don’t know is there anything we’re doing wrong and how can I unlock cumming with my partner cause he really tries and it feels like it’s about to happen and it stops and sometimes I even get dry and I have to completely stop which makes him feel so bad.

Recently he randomly told me he wanted to talk to me and asked if I could stop touching myself and watching pornography😅 and just leave my sexual fate to him that it might help but tbh I don’t think that has any effect on it.