Calling all 2nd (or more) time moms!


I’m 35w4d with baby #2. With my first baby I had to be induced because of my blood pressure so I haven’t had a natural-going-into-labor experience before, just had the ridiculously intense contractions from pitocin. My bp has been fine so far this time so I’m curious to see if I’ll know I’m having contractions this time around if it gets to happen naturally.

Anyways, I started losing some of my mucus plug yesterday (I know it can regenerate so that’s not really an indicator of immediate impending labor) but this morning I’m having a LOT of rectal/pelvic pressure. Having some contractions that I assume are Braxton Hicks because they aren’t painful, just feels like tightening pressure, but this pelvic pressure I’m having feels like he’s going to come out of my butt, which is how I felt in labor (just without all the pain). Can this feeling go on for weeks or is it likely that labor could be somewhat around the corner? Haven’t packed my hospital bag yet, but I’m wondering if I ought to go ahead and do that now.