Emergency C-section


Has anyone else had an emergency C section where they epidural didn’t kick in 100% ? I felt insane amounts of pressure the whole time and it was unbearable but it was also quick then they gave me Ketamine in gas form which is a dissociative and can be used as an anesthetic in high doses. It made me see all white and the voices of the doctors around me began to fade, then I felt like I was leaving my body or traveling into the white at the speed of light. Lol I know that doesn’t make much sense but it’s such a hard experience to describe. I’m not sure if it was the ketamine or if I passed out from the pain. But my baby was 8lbs even and so I went into labor and it was all night 10 hours straight of the worst painful contractions ever where I was on the floor crying couldn’t move couldn’t talk and I wasn’t even dilating. They told me I was only half a centimeter and that it wasn’t actual labor. I was a high risk pregnancy because I have Hep C I used to do heroine and I shared needles with someone and got it and also my baby was 8 lbs and this was on my due date so they decided to induce me and I got to 6 cm dilated and when the midwife broke my water I had a bad reaction and couldn’t breathe. My blood pressure dropped and so did the baby’s so they had to do an emergency C section. They got me in the OR and got him out in less than 15 min and he was okay with no brain damage due to lack of oxygen and got an 8.9 on his APGAR test. Thank you God he is okay! Has anyone else had an experience like mine ?