Room sharing question


Hey ladies! I’m pregnant with baby #2, my first will be 15 months when this one arrives. I have a cosleeper in my room until baby is 3-4 months, which takes my first born to 18-19 months. My question is, should I get a second crib for the room they will have to share. Or should I buy a mini crib and keep baby 2 in my room until they sleep through the night, so I’m not disrupting my first born with midnight wake ups. Was thinking I may be able to reuse her crib when she goes to a toddler bed, but how would that go with a toddler in a new bed and a baby in her crib in the same room? Ahhh. Anyone have a similar experience? Advice? Thoughts? The room they’ll share is fairly small, but my other bedroom is in the basement and she’ll be too young to be down there. So it has to work for a few years!