Need advice

I am going through a breakup right now, but he said, “let’s just be friends for a while, not saying anything will not ever happen again, but let’s reflect on ourselves first.” i am really hurting right now and i need to figure out if it’s worth trying, we both adore each other but i was the one that messed up by always worrying about him and always thinking he was cheating, lying etc. since then i have apologized sincerely. but he took my virginity and i really would like to know if the relationship is worth trying to fix? we are both really hurt and heartbroken, i just made him extremely uncomfortable with something i did. we both care about each other and he has been still caring about me and asking how my day was and other stuff, but i’m not sure if he is keeping me as an option until he finds someone better or if he just need time to think. can i have some peoples advice and input?