Toddler behind on milestones


Hi all

Just curious if I should be concerned if my almost 15 month old isn’t saying any words yet? I know I shouldn’t compare or read up on it too much but it is concerning me. Some days he just groans and other day he babbles non-stop. He will reach for items he wants. He doesn’t point to anything or look when I point at something. He has good eye contact. Doesn’t know his name 100% of the time, hard to tell if he’s just ignoring me or doesn’t know I’m calling him. He does sit and rock all the time and moan and I have no idea why. A few times his eyes have rolled back into his head when he does that. He has started walking on his own in the last few weeks.

I understand I should talk to my doctor regarding my concerns so I have an appointment next month which I will probably get brushed off just because he’s still young. Just looking for some reassurance that all kids develop at different stages.
