Braxton Hicks? What’s your stories with them before labor?


So I’m 39+2today, yesterday I think I was having Braxton Hicks contractions all day yesterday. I hope they were real ones though. I didn’t get them with my 1st so I don’t know what they feel like! When I get them, (again I think they’re those,) I get period like cramps, achy back, & my belly becomes hard in the front. My heart rate also goes up and I have to hold my breathe. I also feel a lot of pressure in my pelvis. They are consistent for like an hour then they stop :-( so that’s why I think they’re Braxton Hicks. But idk, hoping they’re real ones. I never got Braxton Hicks this whole pregnancy either. Again, I think they’re those!) I went into labor at 39+2 with my first so I hope I’m going into labor the same time with this baby. Everything is just so different with this pregnancy. Also yesterday I was losing my mucus plug all day, didn’t remember losing it at all with my 1st. 😭 Also does anyone know if it’s possible to get real contractions on and off but not be in active labor? Thanks ladies

Update: 1/25 at 8am: jusf had my bloody show & some contractions! Still not consistent 😭 But more painful