My labor strong, using midwives brew


Just wanted to share my induction story. At 40 weeks 2 days, I ingested midwives brew at 12pm and started having very mild contractions 2 hours later. The contraction gradually grew and my water broke around 5pm. I got to the hospital around 6:30pm and I was 3cm dilated and 70 effaced. The pain was unbearable so I also got an epidural.

They told me my contractions are too strong and it’s affecting the baby’s heart rate.

After multiple interventions to keep her HR up with contractions… at 11pm they checked and saw I was now 6cm dilated, the contractions where still very strong and starting to really affect my girls heart rate significantly so they advised an immediate csection was best.

I was honestly not mentally prepared for a csection so I broke down. had my baby girl at 11:53am. She did not need any NICU time.

Grateful to God, that we are both fine but a part of me feel the very strong contraction where from the midwives brew so now I’m blaming myself. I’m not exactly sure if this is true.