Breast warmer/massager tools for pumping?

Silver • 👶🏻9/23👶🏻4/22👶🏻12/19❤️👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏼🐕🐕

I was a low-medium producer with my first. He was able to exclusively breastfeed/drink EBM for about 4 months, but his weight kept slowly drifting down in percentile and I couldn’t make more, so we started supplementing with formula. He did a combination of the two until 11-12 months.

I think much of my issue with production was mechanical. I had to be very hands on with pumping (and even direct breastfeeding), which produced much more milk. Someone mentioned using a portable breast massager tool this time may help.

Has anyone used one of these before? Which one did you get? Did you feel like it helped? Were you able to place it passively into a hands-free pumping bra or did you still need to be hands on with your pumping?

Thanks! 🙂