Aunt with COVID just came to the party

Okay well a part of me is so angry and just wants to vent. So the other week, one of my other aunts ( let’s call her aunt A) had a small get together for her husbands birthday. Nobody who was invited to the party had COVID or was in contact with anyone who had COVID. We all had a group chat and made sure no one was sick beforehand. After it was clear we decided it was okay to have the a small gettogether. It was nice, I invited my boyfriend over and everyone was having a good time. It was probably one of my most favorite get together I could say. However, in the family group chat, my other aunt ( let’s call her aunt C) never replied to the message about the party. Everyone assumed she was busy or just didn’t feel like going. But the she shows up. And guess what. She has COVID and so does her husband and two kids. Nobody knew at first because she didn’t say anything. It was just when I was talking to one of aunt C’s sons that I found out. He slipped it out and said he tested positive for COVID the exact same day of the party and that his mom, dad, and other brother all had it too. THEY WERE ALL AT THE PARTY WITH NO MASKS. They also didn’t even take precautions to social distance either. My mom heard my aunt C coughing and asked her if she was okay or getting a cold, that’s when my aunt C told everyone she had COVID. Everyone just looks at her and from that point on the get together just wasn’t the same: everyone was upset at her. But no one told her to put a mask on or leave. It’s funny though, because my aunt C is a nurse and when COVID first came around she didn’t see my family for months and now she is the one who just showed up to a get together with the virus and no one with her said anything either. I was so upset. I felt so mad at her for even bringing everyone there into a situation where they can get sick. I told my mom why is no one telling her to leave or getting on her for that? That was incredibly childish and disrespectful for her to show up knowing she is sick without even using safely guidelines or even telling her kids not to be around the other kids. No one said anything to her but I truly lost my respect for her because she shouldn’t have even showed up. No body left the party, everyone went to get masks instead and I stayed inside far away from everyone with my boyfriend.

My mom said she understands why I’m upset but it’s best not to tell her how I felt because then it would start problems in the whole family or it would make me look rude if I spoke up to her and my uncle. I felt no remorse because I’m the kind of person who doesn’t sugar coat:

what do you guys think ? Or how would you feel if that happened to you?