Pumping Milk for Relief


My little one is nine weeks and starting to sleep longer stretches at night (we got 6.5 hrs last night woo!).

I have a hand pump on my bedside to help with relief (I have an oversupply that’s finally levelling out so I’ve been pumping for relief for at least a month now).

I noticed last night with my hand pump that when I squeeze and the suction is pulling the milk out, if I just hold it there my milk will just squirt out in a long continuous stream. Is it okay to do that? Or should I continue with the pumping that mimics sucking (will it affect milk supply?). I don’t pump as often in the last couple weeks so really I’m only pumping for relief maybe once in the middle of the night when I’m super engorged and then baby wakes up shortly after to eat.

It just seems faster to let the stream go and then I can sleep more 😅