Should I be worried??

Hi Guys! I have been stressing out a lot this past week and needed some advice. I got the nexplanon implant in January of 2020. I had no period for almost two years. Over this past summer I lost a significant amount of weight (like 50 pounds) I’m not sure if this could be relevant or not so I figured I would include it. A few months back I started getting some light spotting but brushed it off as nothing because this usually just occurred after sex. I always use protection on top of my implant (even with a condom I still make him pull out) although on New Year’s <a href="">eve</a> as well as January 17th I had unprotected sex. For some reason I was having pain both of these times and tore so although he wasn’t wearing a condom he wasn’t in me for more than five minutes and never finished. About two days later (January 19th) I started having some light brown watery discharge as well as some spotting of some bright red blood, I didn’t assume much until I got incredibly painful cramps and started passing multiple terrifyingly large blood clots. The clots stopped after a day but I’m still stuck with extremely painful cramps and and sometimes discharge and minor bleeding. Is this normal, did I just get my period again for some reason, or could I be pregnant?? I have no specific pregnancy symptoms like tender breasts or anything like that but since I hadn’t had an actual period in two years it was alarming. Please let me know if anyones had similar stories or advice, thank you 🤍