Someone tell me to stop worrying 😩

faith/fear • 3 back to back ectopic pregnancies. Starting our IVF journey in April ‘25 for our triple rainbow ❤️🌈🌈🌈

I’m so worried of another loss

Our last loss was ectopic, this time feel different, I’m not in pain like I was with the ectopic, I feel Normal besides some nausea and sore nipples, went in for my blood test yesterday at 4+3 days and my HCG was 31, progesterone 9.5….

With my last pregnancy (ectopic) I got my blood drawn at 4+2 and it was 60, but I got a positive with the ectopic at 10dpo, I didn’t get a positive with this pregnancy until after my missed period

Am I just over analyzing this? Someone tell me to relax😩 I just want this babe to be happy and healthy