Not stable enough for a child.

I want to become a mother and have wanted this for a few years.

My husband has a boy with his ex and although we can provide for him fine, we wouldn’t be able to provide for another child.

( 2 bed house - family drama - not enough income - me living in the uk with pre settled status- etc.)

These sound like ‘problems’ that can be solved and although I am usually the positive, solution seeking type, I don’t see any of these things changing any time soon. - there’s multiple reasons for that that I won’t go into right now-

It hurts.

Is that weird? It hurts that I know the chances of me ever becoming a mother are incredibly slim.

I have told myself that this is the responsible thing to do - but; Still it hurts.

I wonder if I’m just being hormonal - being 25 and wanting kids - or that this feeling is normal.

Either way, I just wanted to be able to tell ‘someone’ as I’ve been keeping this to myself.

So thank you if you’ve read all this and God bless.