Martie • TTC #2 🌈🙏🏻 03/2020 👼/ 28/5/20👼 / 03/07/2021 👼 / 16/01/2022 👼

Hello everyone! I need an advice…I’ve just had my 4th miscarriage in a row and I’m still bleeding ( day 10 ). My OB sending me to do some blood test 6 weeks after my negative pregnancy test so at the moment my pregnancy test still show positive so I have to wait until it’s negative and then I have to wait 6 weeks for blood test. So roughly I have to wait 2 months o more to TTC again. I wanted to wait one cycle and start TTC quickly. Now my question is better to wait for the test and then start TTC or before the test? I don’t have patience 😣