I need help


I’m about to have a conversation with my husband and I don’t know i should. Please stop me if you think it’s a terrible idea. I’m anxious. I have a lot of anxiety about the idea of divorce. Him and I broke up once when we were only dating and it was the worst time of my life. We are newlyweds with a young toddler. Only married a year. We dated in 2018 had a baby, got married and bought a house in 2020. It all happened FAST. I’ve known him since 2013. I sorta knew his girlfriend in passing. They dated for 7 years and never moved in together, never got married or had a baby. She wanted these things and he didn’t with her. My husband has given me a dream life. Everything I always wanted…the house, the baby and I can be a stay at home mom. But I’m anxious about wether he loves me and his ex girlfriend. I went through his phone and found an old porno of them long before we dated. I found him sending that porno to a friend of his who is a girl right before we dated. I saw texts between them here and there when we were dating. But I saw absolutely nothing from the time we started dating again after breaking up and nothing since we got married 1 year ago. He loves me and he loves our son. Im getting anxious when he isn’t home or around and he gives me no reason to be this way. My therapist has told me to “bear it and grin it” meaning say nothing and just be cool. I did this for months and my anxiety is increasing to panic attacks. I want to tell my husband what’s going on and that I need some extra reassurance that he loves me. It’s no fault of his own and I’m just going through some mental health issues right now and need some extra loving. Im scared to tell him I’m insecure about his ex but I need to hear that he doesn’t love her and loves me. Should I leave this part out? Should I not say anything? My intention is to be with him until the end. I don’t want to ruin things because of my insecurities