I have a serious birthing question… lol


So, I had a c section with my first baby due to “failure to progress”

My bag was ripped already for too long and I was getting a fever so I needed a c section apparently

I am due in two weeks and currently 38w but I’ve had cramps/bh since last night every hour or so… I’ve also had a feeling of liquid coming out as if I’m starting my period, you know… that “omg” feeling… and I check and it’s just white water discharge which I’m sure is NOT my water or mucus plug… well not sure but I’m assuming it’s not.

I didn’t experience any of this with my first daughter… idk why

Now, my hospital does NOT allow Vbac after a c section… but, what happens if my body just decides to do what it wants and I allow myself to go thru it and just go to the hospital whenever I feel her coming?

Am I being dumb? Should I just stay with the scheduled c? Will the hospital reject me since they don’t do VBACS? What happens in that kind of situation?