Ugh I’m kind of upset with myself rant/random)

So hubs and I have been ttc for a good yr or so plus 3 years of “not trying but not preventing” so I have OPKS and for last idk maybe 5-6 months I feel like I missed my ovulation dates bc they would be negative when the app predicted plus when I’ve used them before I ovulated on CD 18 well this month I started testing later well more bc I forgot to test when I usually do and wanted to see but I feel like a whole dumbass I’m ovulating a week later than I been thinking so towards the end of the month we just don’t have a lot of sex if we do at all between his work schedule and mine for now but like damn I really hope this is our month we’re trying and hoping to conceive soon bc his sister had her baby and we would love to have our kids relatively close in age I’m sorry lmao this is just a rant/random post I just needed to get off my chest bc my family just don’t understand and judge bc they don’t like him