Day care



How do you all feel about daycare in this era with Covid? Are you okay, nervous, don’t have any concerns?

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It’s necessary here since both of us work full-time. But it doesn’t make me extra nervous. Before Covid there was still flu and RSV that can cause serious problems for little kids. I chose a daycare that has a mask requirement and illness-related policies that I like.


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I just feel like it’s a necessity, and everyone should be doing everything they can to mitigate risk: plenty of outside time, masks worn properly when appropriate, lots of hand washing, hand sanitizer when you can’t wash, eligible people getting vaccinated…People can’t always avoid the need for daycare.


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I'm nervous but I still send her. Socialization is good for her, she learns a lot, and helps with my mental health


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Our intention was for me to stay home just until my son was six months old. However, with Covid as bad as it is, we have made the difficult financial decision for me to stay home longer and keep him out of daycare. I know this is a privilege not everyone has and it is definitely impacting our finances negatively but we’re going to make it work as long as we can. At least until he can be vaccinated.


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It’s constant anxiety for us. My daughter has been exposed twice, luckily she was neg both times. We don’t have any other options though, we both have to work. My daycare though is very strict with their COVID stuff, so that helps a bit. Crossing my fingers for a vaccine soon.


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i work in a daycare and we have lots of sick kids and parents who try to send their kids even though they’re definitely sick, we take lots of pre cautions to keep from others getting sick and send them home if they show up sick, but i think daycare is a good option for kids to learn to communicate with others, learn, play, etc. and it’s also necessary for parents who work


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I would send my son to a daycare so he could be around other kids his age but I was lucky to have family that watch him for free and with him having a feeding tube I don't trust just anyone with him.


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I've been a bit more nervous after I got pregnant. This winter has been tough. I imagine some anxiety about it will pop up next winter with a small baby as well.I'm vaccinated and I've figured out I need to have it at some point. I would just have preferred not to take care of a toddler and be pregnant as well 😅


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I am nervous but our daycare has rules regarding masking etc. I feel comfortable with. My son is only 5 months but we send him part time and with my MIL the other days (both parents work full them) He has had a cold and I got hand,foot, and mouth from daycare buttttt he is getting so much stimulation and the teachers are wonderful so it’s worth it to me for him in the long run.


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I was for awhile, but this winter season he has gotten everything except COVID from daycare. He actually did get COVID, but from his uncle and it was very mild.