Need recommendations on things! (Baby carriers, bags)


Hopefully going to be FTM. First time in the 2nd trimester!

So, I’ve decided on my stroller/car seats and my cradle and my crib.

But, what baby carriers do you recommend for wearing the munchkin? I’m currently an XL-XXL which might be relevant. I’m hoping for a secure carrier, not one I have to tie myself, I’m not very good at that. And I also want one for my husband, who is a rounder man. He’s an XXL men’s around the waist.

Also, I’d love to get a good diaper backpack. I don’t want a side wearing bag, I had a broken collarbone and one sided bags are very painful to me. I can barely wear purses. If it’s cute/fashionable that’s a bonus, but I won’t hate on an ugly one either. Function over fashion!