Tips for TTC?

Can’t believe I’m saying this but we want a baby! I didn’t want one just last month but according to my husband getting pregnant will mean us moving out and he really want a baby. I always wanted one but never thought it was the right time and now idk why I feel it is. I thought I was pregnant and today that I was going to test I got my period :/. Husband is upset because we were 99% sure I was. Anyways he says he wants to keep trying and I will take better care of myself to be baby ready.

Any tips on how to get pregnant fast? I am hoping to get pregnant next month. I just order this two products for when I’m off my period

Edit for reference***

I’m 22

He’s 31

I mostly have regular period except this month

I have never been on any type of birth control

My periods are normal bleeding etc

Never had miscarriage or never been pregnant before