

Anyone used a Doppler around 9 weeks and found their baby’s heart beat? I have one but haven’t used it yet. Don’t want to use it and upset myself if I don’t find a heart beat lol.

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Try to find it when your bladder is full. It pushes the uterus up and into a better position. It takes some time and practice when they’re this tiny to find it


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I ordered one and got it when I was 10 weeks. I ended up not being able to find it until I was around 10 1/2 weeks. I was super sad those first few days lol. But now I feel much better and am able to find it fairly quickly. I’ve read that it’s easier to find first thing in the morning too if that helps!


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I found mine at 9w6d!


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Yes, I found mine at 7w and 1d!


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I found baby at 9w3d.


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I found mine at 8 weeks 3 days


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Found it at 8w3 and it’s gotten a lot easier too find. Currently 10w4d and I can find it in 5 minutes.Depending on how far along you are and essentially your body type there’s many reasons. I wouldn’t worry too much about not finding it so early on. ☺️


Posted at
There can be a lot of reasons of why you can’t find if you try and don’t. My OB couldn’t find mine at 9w, because my uterus is tilted. Baby is fine though!