I thought it gets easier at 18 months?

My 18 month old still wakes up once or twice a night. Wanting me to put him back to sleep. Ive done alll sorts of sleep training and he wont budge. Its driving me Insane!

He hatess his crib! Hes also still only cruising and gets scared to let go. Hes been checked months prior and told he was fine.

I just… feel so guilty hes so behind. Im a ftm single mom doing this on my own, trying to juggle work too… im drowning. Especially in guilt

He also has eczema and in winter its badddd. Always itching. We use a cream we were given and aquafor/vaseline..

I just always thought at 18 months id have better sleep. He’d be more easier to take care of. But no, he throws tantrums.. throws himself in the floor head first when he has a tantrum.. i feel scared all the damn time for his safety when he does this!

Can other moms help pls? Arent they supposed to listen more now and be easier or was that wishful thinking.. when does it get easier… im drowning so bad here