Quit smoking because I’m pregnant but fiancé won’t

Hi everyone! So I was a pretty heavy cigarette smoker before I got pregnant. But once I found out I was pregnant I dropped it cold turkey. My fiancé is also a heavy smoker and he still smokes! Thankfully he smokes outside but he still talks about doing it and comes inside smelling like it and it triggers me! I’m definitely fighting this addiction but having people around me that smoke makes it harder! Whenever I say something about how it bothers me that he hasn’t tried at least cutting down on smoking or planning on quitting he just says I’m gonna guilt trip him every time he smokes. It just feels horrible that I gave up a vice for my child and he won’t and just gets mad at me when I get upset about him smoking. I can’t help I was addicted to it and it’s hard to smell it or even see it. What are y’all’s thoughts? What should I do?