11wks and 3 days

MacKenzie • 24 • Layla 08/14/22🌈 • Lily 02/12/24💓 6/14/18👼🏻 • 5/29/21 🌈👼🏻

I’m 11wks and 3 days today and so ready to hit the second trimester🤞🏼 After 2 miscarriages I can’t believe we got to see our little babes move and hear a very strong heartbeat at 178bpm💓🌈

This scan was at exactly 11wks baby was measuring 11wks and 4 days but my doctor kept my due date at August 18th which means we kept it at the 11wk mark. Any guesses on gender? We ordered the Sneakpeek test since we planned a gender reveal not knowing our doctors office took longer to get the NIPT results back.😬🙃