Feisty 2 year old with a congested nose..

Jaz•Mayor • Boy Mom 💙💙

My two year old is pretty congested and has been for days now. I can literally hear the mucus in his nostrils. I bought a nose frida to suction his nose and refuses to let me near his nose. I’ve tried wrapping him in two bath towels just to hold him still to suction and he kicks and flares his arms so bad he manages to get out of it. I’ve tried to do his big brothers’ nose first so he can see it isn’t painful but he’s really just not having it. I’ve tried waiting until he’s asleep. I’m 36w4d so it’s hard for me to just hold him in fear he’ll knock my tummy too hard. His dad tried to help but he wigs out so bad I’m scared we’ll harm him. I made an appointment with his pediatrician for today but I feel like their just gonna give us saline drops and send us home. Any advice? Im so over him being sick, especially when I know why he hasn’t gotten over it yet. TIA.