D&C yesterday ended with SVT and extra hospital stay


So I went in yesterday for a scheduled D&C for our 14 weeks loss. I had D&C for placenta before with my 18 weeks after I gave a birth to her. Now with the D&C yesterday I was put under. Then like 10 minutes after I woke up, my heart was racing for no reason at all. Crash cart was called, I was surrounded by nurses and a doctor. Pumped with a lot of heart medications to stabilize my heart rate. I had to stay in the recovery room a little bit longer to see if the medicine did helped. But an hour and a half later my heart raced again. Crash cart was called and I was surrounded again. Was pumped with a different heart medication. I was admitted. I’ve never been so scared in my entire life. I’m only 33 years old, the 18 weeks was my #4, and the 14 weeks was my #6. I’m debating on having my husband getting vasectomy done, because there’s no way in hell am I going to be put under for tubal ligation! I do not want to go through this ever again. Nor do I wish it upon anyone else. Both my husband and I did agreed prior to D&C that we’d try again. But now I’m scared shitless. I have 4 wonderful children to raise. I’m just wondering if anyone else had gone through the same thing before and what they’ve done about it?