I just need help and advice .


So right now as I’m writing this I’m crying in tears stressed out. I’m going to start by saying this new year has been trying for me . I lost my job on last month on the 11th But I got offered another position hours later . I was supposed to finish off the rest of the week but i had gotten really sick like flu or covid sick symptoms and i had to take a test and couldn’t come back to work . My new job started on the 31st , I had just moved into my new apartment back in November . My rent was do kn the first but I know being that I would be missing two weeks on my check i wouldn’t be able to pay it so my mom told me to apply for our state’s rental relief I applied and now a case is pending my mom told me it would take 30 days because she two had went through the same thing . So since my mom had went through it and gave me advice I had a little hope . But now it’s the second case been pending for almost a week and here I am overthinking like are they going to accept me and I don’t want get put out even though I do have a job now i won’t get paid until the 15th and to add to it my boyfriend is in prison and will be getting out in April and I decided to be his homePlan but this was way before all this happened I did tell him I lost my job but he knows I have a new job he doesn’t know the rest like I’m about to be behind on rent I just can’t tell him even though I want to talk to him about it bad I just don’t want him to think I can’t hold it together or I’m not reliable . I don’t want him to think that his home plan is not secured i don’t want to give him second thoughts . I just feel so stressed right now and I really don’t want to keep going into work with this on my mind I been holding in tears for lord knows How long I just broke today . I just need encouraging words .