Prolactinoma/Pituitary tumor


I was diagnosed with a Prolactinoma (prolactin secreting pituitary tumor) about 14 years ago. I was originally out on medication to shrink the tumor but for one reason or another I stopped taking my medicine and finally just ignored it for the last 10 years…I guess just hoping it would just go away. In that time I have not had a single period, unable to become pregnant and a SUPER LOW sex drive. I finally decided this past year I was going to get my health back in check, so when I went to my endocrinologist after my blood draw, she told me my prolactin levels were over 1300! 😱 Prolactin levels even in a pregnant/breastfeeding woman should really be no higher than in the 400 range! My MRI showed that my tumor had grown significantly and was pressing into my internal Carotid artery…I was almost certain I was going to have to have surgery, but the neurosurgeon I saw assured me that surgery was not yet necessary. I have been taking Cabergoline since November and already my prolactin level’s have come down to 16…NORMAL!!! I haven’t started my period back yet, but I think the hubby is loving my new sex drive and I’m keeping my fingers crossed I can still become pregnant!