35 and pregnant with number 2

Kristy • Married the love of my life🤵🏻👰🏻4/21/18. Lost our angel baby at 11 weeks👼🏻 12/6/18. Had my rainbow baby boy👶🏻 3/27/20. Lost our 2nd angel baby boy at 21W3D 6/3/2022 👼🏻. Pregnant with rainbow baby #2.

Hi ladies! I'm new to this group and thought I could really give and use some support. My name is Kristy. I'm 35-years-old (turning 36 in June) and I live in upstate New York with my husband and our 22-month-old son. I took a pregnancy test yesterday, at 10 DPO, that came back with a faint positive. Today, at 11 DPO, I took a clear blue digital test that came back with a definite positive. I'm so excited and worried at the same time. This is my second baby and I got pregnant on the first try. But I also got pregnant right away in September 2018; which sadly ended in a miscarriage. It took us 7 months to get pregnant with our son. I'm so concerned that the pattern is going to repeat. On top of that, I had a C-section with my son and really want to try for a VBAC this time (vaginal birth after cesarean). I am so blessed and grateful for this baby but I'm so scared. Please send your prayers, positive vibes, and baby dust our way for a sticky little bean. I am here to support all of you.

Wednesday, February 2nd. 10 DPO. Faint positive on First Response Early Result.

Thursday, February 3rd. 11 DPO. Positive Clearblue Digital