

My sons almost 4 months, is it okay that I’m still swaddling him? He doesn’t really roll from his back to tummy yet, he just wiggles around in his sleep. Should I start using our halo sack with the arms free just in case?

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Posted at
I was always told you can swaddle until they’re able to roll over. My girl is 3 months and hasn’t really shown any signs of rolling so I’m still doing the arms up swaddle


Posted at
No it's not okay and increases sids risk 19 times


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I would say arms out for sure, he may be really close to rolling


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I think it's absolutely fine!.


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I would.


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Mine isn’t rolling at all yet but I decided to start weaning him from swaddling around 3 months, we got the Magic Merlin Suit because he hated having his arms out cold turkey. So far it’s been a complete blessing and he sleeps so good but still has use of his arms. Once he starts rolling we will transition to just a sleep sack! I highly suggest trying it out.


Jessee • Feb 13, 2022
My son does so good sleeping with arms out in bed with us, but once we try to put him in his bassinet he just won’t fall asleep 😕. He’s been sleeping with us the last couple of days


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If it were me I’d do arms out 💗


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from my experience, if you swaddle with a thin blanket type & do it correctly then babies shouldn't be able to roll over! i keep my girl in a halo sleep sack with the wings to swaddle her and shes rolling over but never rolls in the swaddle :)