Low sperm count and doing IUI today


My husband and I have been trying for almost two years. He noticed one testicle was smaller than the other and came to me saying he might be infertile. He did a sperm analysis and we found he only had 100,000. We found a male infertility doctor who diagnosed him with a varicocele and he was able to perform a procedure to cauterize it. This was back in April of 2021. Every few months he goes back to get an analysis done his count has improved. Three months ago it was at 40 million. Unfortunately, even with all that we still weren’t getting pregnant naturally so we looked into <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. Everything looked good on my end and he was within the range to qualify for it so we started the process last week. I finished my Clomid, went in for another ultrasound and was told I have three mature follicles and to prepare for multiples because the chances are higher 🙈. I would love twins but triplets scares the crap out of me. I did my trigger shot yesterday and in a few hours we go in for the insemination! Please pray for us. We have wanted this for so long. The odds look good but you never know…..