Unsolicited advice?


I need some help dealing with unsolicited parenting advice. In particular from my MIL and a coworker of mine. I try to take it worth a grain of rice, but to me, a person isn’t even trying to be helpful when they start their statement with “well Im sorry but”. My one coworker is full of this. She asked me today “does your son still sleep in a sleep sack?” He is 4 months old. I told her yes. She then says to me “I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t still have him sleeping in that. First 3 months maybe but he’s too old for that now.” I explain to her how a sleep sack is different from a swaddle and he is in no way constrained. She then say “ehh yeah no. Just some footie pajamas are all he should be sleeping in”.

This is just one example but there are many. Even some similar comments in regards to my choice to pump at work to continue to provide breast milk for my son. I am starting to feel very irritated by these comments. I am looking for suggestions on ways to express that I don’t care what their opinions on my parenting choices are (nor did i ask) without damaging relationships. Any suggestions?